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  • Writer's pictureGeorge Frangoudes


‘There’s just nothing like playing a show to people who love watching us’, ​recently returning from a UK and European tour with progressive metal internet sensations Toska, Hypophora found it in spades, making an impression with both metal and alt-rock fans across the continent, brandishing syncopated riffs alongside high-octane vocals that rumble and twitch through crowds like shockwaves.

Hailing from Truro, the young four piece has a fast growing following, who can taste the band’s eclectic repertoire of inspiration ​‘from soul to black metal to synthwave and anything in between’ ​that results in something truly authentic and real that resonates with a wide demographic.

Musically, the intelligent use of effects from guitarist Karum adds a whirring depth of feeling that never fails to turn the heads of the guitarists in the crowd. Somewhat reminiscent of Mike Einziger of Incubus which Karum juxtaposes his cool verse liks with a superb ear for hooking riffs. Meanwhile, the pounding rhythm section, courtesy of Lewis on bass and James at the drums, pummel stomachs and batter hearts with a modern clarity that cuts through the mix like cold water. The boys never fail to get the crowd moving with tempos worthy of a mosh. When touring with Phoxjaw at the end of 2018, there were regular calls of ​‘Chris Cornell’s daughter!’​ from the audience when frontwoman Katie McConnell first belted out the chorus of the band’s most popular track ‘Sorcerers’, with her signature rasp and vibrato that fluxed over Karum’s pulverising riffage with a mastery rare amongst her peers. But don’t be fooled, she has a dynamic range that moves through an audience like a cool breeze that softly kisses the sweat on their necks with soulful ballads like ‘Smiling (Numb)’.

‘Just let kids be kids! Don’t try and force your ideals onto younger generations - Let them figure things out for themselves, explore, be curious and make mistakes’

This was the thinking behind one of Hypophora’s early singles ‘Youth’ which sparked widespread support for the band from the beginning, including features in Alt Corner, Distorted Sound, Loud Stuff, Noizze, Vents and Broken arrow, a level of coverage which continues to this day.

Starting as they mean to go on, Hypophora will exhibit their seismic live performance of their debut album ​Douse​ across the UK and Europe’s festival circuit this summer, with bookings at Euroblast, Burn It Down, PandaFest, Tech-Fest, Behave!, Portals, Redfest, Parrotfest and Veritas. Topping it all off with a support slot for Black Orchid Empire come August amongst an intermittent run of their own shows where they’ll be sure to further boost their following of 1,700 strong.

Already serving as the backdrop to music videos ‘Youth’ and ‘Spires’, Hypophora remain fiercely loyal to their hometown fans in Cornwall and indeed their local scene while they prove themselves ones to watch as they conquer Europe.

‘Cornwall definitely has our strongest fan base, and also has our hearts... support local artists and creative types in general. Pay that extra £1.50 for that CD. You never know how much that can mean to someone’

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